


Decisions can freeze you – preventing you from moving forward and taking the action you need. You end up living in indecision, which is emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically paralyzing.


In 2020 I was living in indecision. I wanted to start my coaching company, but I could not let go of the successful real estate business, income and established client base I had already created. I felt like I was leaving one way of life and swapping it for a completely new way. My mind thought starting over would only be difficult and as a result, I lost my purpose and was paralyzed by an overwhelming feeling of fear. The unknown future was bigger than my why and I just couldn’t move forward. I was stuck.


Then something shifted. I developed a new belief: being stuck is temporary.


In reflecting on my life, I felt more satisfaction with all I had accomplished over the fear of losing it. I made the decision to start writing the pages to a new chapter of my life. My decision is actually an opportunity before me to venture into my future, even if parts of it are uncertain or unknown.


I get to be here for you to help you move through your indecision into a space of growth and freedom. I faced my indecision on my own and got stuck for way too long. So book a time with a coach at your coach is in to experience the gift of clarity.