


 I find that before you experience a breakthrough, you have an awareness or what they call an “aha” moment. Coaching is truly fantastic when it comes to these enlightening moments. The great thing is, once you become aware of something, growth and freedom are just around the corner.


Here is an experience that greatly changed the course of my life. There was a time in my life where I lived in a continual state of pain resulting in deep depression. I believed that this would never change for me, and to be honest, I didn’t have a clue on how or what I could do. I Knew something had to be done but what?


Shortly after this, I realized that the cause of my depression was toxic thinking. I find we just don’t see the problem, maybe it’s because we are just too close to the situation. Okay, now I knew the cause, now what? I started to read as many books as I could on the subject, went to seminars, and then talked it out with my coach. I took in everything and came up with what I thought would work the best for me. I really didn’t know if it was going to work but I was determined to create change.


The results were amazing, this simple 3 step solution allowed me to stop the thoughts that had me living in a state of worry, anxiety, and fear. I don’t know if you have ever experienced ruminating thoughts – it’s like you never stop thinking even when you are supposed to be sleeping. Having a clear mind truly changes your life. To be honest, this took me about six months, but I can’t believe how much Joy and Peace I have now, so for me, it was one of the best things I have ever committed to. This is something I teach people; I want everyone to experience mental and emotional freedom.